William Knabe was born over 200 years ago in Germany before migrating to Baltimore, Maryland and apprenticing under the famed piano maker Henry Hartye. Creating his own business starting from inside his home. Today Wm. Knabe & Co. represents fine pianos with superb sound and excellent craftsmanship.

“Over the years, Knabe pianos have left an important mark on the music field, including over 40 years as the official piano of the Metropolitan Opera…” – PianoBuyer.com
Redesigned based on the original scale designs and cabinet styles. This Knabe WGM650 features a sand-cast plate, German hammers, stable maple and oak rim, and radial bracing, making them one of the best values in their price range.
Piano Fact… Wm Knabe & Company was the featured grand piano during the opening of Carnegie Hall in 1891.
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